Sunday, 01.19.14

Internet isn’t working here in Blair Oaks land so here’s the WOD for Sunday…
Skill Work: Hand to Hand KB
Buy in: 50 DU’s
10 Hollow Rocks
20 H2H KB 53/35
30 Box Jumps 24/20
10 H2H KB
20 Box Jumps
30 Hollow Rocks
10 Box Jumps
20 Hollow Rocks
30 H2H KB
Cash Out: 50 DU’s

Hand to Hand KB

If anyone would still want to contribute to the Ogar benefit, the “bucket” is still on the glass case or you can give to Coach. We are sooo close to $500!

January 31st we will have a “Marathon Row Box Party”…this will also coincide with a Children’s Miracle Network fundraiser through a former student of mine who is going to Mizzou. Be watching for notes at the box about the event!

I have about 8 hoodies left…check with me if you’d like one(limited sizes available).

Happy Sunday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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