Sunday, 02.08.15

Sunday Schedule…

1:30 – Barbell/Olympic Lifts Clinic – FOR EVERYONE! We will be working on technique of the various lifts so if you want to get better and you have the time then you should be there! 🙂

3pm – Regular WOD

Next week Saturday we will have our “normal” CrAzY WOD at 7:30am…this is a “more advanced” WOD where most of the trainers are working out and it is not “led” so you should know what the lifts are and basically know what you are in for 😉

Every 1st Saturday of the month will be dedicated to “Strongman/Strongwoman” activities…yoke carries, sled pulls/pushes, atlas stone lifts/carries, log carries, odd object carries, possibly some car/truck pulls 🙂 Anyone is invited to take on something out of their comfort zone or to even watch the Awesome craziness! 🙂

photo (67)

SATURDAY, FEB. 21st starting at 4pm will be our 3rd Birthday Bash…If you aren’t signed up to attend the WOD’s, BBQ and party, check with Coach asap so we have the right count for food…we are asking each family to bring a side dish; CFU is providing the BBQ, tea, water…and possibly a keg (favorites anyone??) A more detailed schedule will be out the week of the Bash! Looking forward to seeing all of the Purple and Green Bash T’s!

FRIDAY, FEB. 27th @ 6:30pm will be our First Friday Night Lights Open! Who is signing up?? Don’t know what the Open is? Ask Coach or google the CrossFit Games Open to see what it’s all about…We will have an Rx division AND a scaled/modified division so ANYONE can do this! And you don’t have to go to every one either…Looking forward to seeing LOTS of people there!


Sunday, 2/8

“One-Minute” In one minute intervals complete:

  1. 15 Hand-release Push-ups/ME wallballs (20/14) Rest 2 min
  2. 15 KB (53/35)/ME Pull-ups Rest 2 min
  3. 100m run/ME Burpees Rest 2 min
  4. 20m Bear Crawl/ME Box Jumps (24/20)
  5. 5 Deadlift/5 Hang Pwr Clean/ME STO (95/65)

**Record ME reps only…**REPEAT 🙂   10min total work

Hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather! We had a good turnout for our weekend group run! Next week we will be running on Sunday…Time and place to be announced mid-week! 😉

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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