Sunday, 05.04.14

running verse

Either you run the day or the day runs you.“~Jim Rohn

Exactly!! What are you going to do today to be better than yesterday?? I know of a few people who are participating in some events Sunday and also I believe David (DMJ) did the Tough Mudder on Saturday…how was the voltage DMJ?? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Reese, Britt, and JenN are participating in the TriZou Triathlon Sunday morning…wish them luck! And myself, Sherry, JennyB, Hunter, Stacey, and possibly some others are doing the Calvary HS mud run…should be a fun and filthy time! ๐Ÿ™‚

Welcome to our newest member of the CFU family, Britt Baines! We’ll soon welcome another Robin as well as Martha who will be taking their CF101 classes this week. Also in the near future, Jared and Jourdan Nichols who went Beast Mode today and performed the Chipper WOD on their own! Just a friendly reminder to introduce yourself to those you don’t know and make everyone feel at home! That is what makes CF unique!! ๐Ÿ™‚

I challenge you to find those things that are out of your comfort zone just to test the level of your determination…plus, you might just have some fun in the process! One thing that would be fun to do together is the Hit and Run 5K in KC on July 19th. It’s a Wipeout form of 5K; the link has been posted on the CFU Facebook page…check it out. I need someone to register with…who’s in??

Powder Puff Football gals…practice at CFU at 4:00; should only be about an hour and we will also go through some ideas on fundraisers. I will be sending in your shirt sizes this weekend. Game is on May 17th so look for more details everyone on how you can come watch the CFU gals kick some rear!! ๐Ÿ™‚

FLASH WOD on SATURDAY for the 9am class…I want this to be HUUUUUUUGGGGGEEEEEE so bring your whole family, kids, grandkids etc…We will make the WOD’s kid friendly. We will meet at the box about 8:45 to roll out, get equipment, and get the game plan. For those newer to CFU, we haven’t done a Flash WOD since Forever… we load up our vehicles with the equipment then go to a specified location and perform a short mini-WOD, pack up and go to a different location for a 2nd WOD…it’s lots of fun and oh the stares we get…So even if you don’t normally come on Saturdays, try and make an effort to make it on Sat. May 10th. I want this one to be BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGER than any others! So spread the word to your family! ๐Ÿ™‚

Remember that the weather is going to heat up a bit this week so make sure you are hydrating yourself and eating properly! You need to fuel your engine the RIGHT way! Just say NO to Crap! ๐Ÿ˜‰

T-shirt orders will be made on Thursday so make sure you sign up for one (located on the wall by my office). Money will be due at the time of delivery…The more we buy the cheaper they are and if you aren’t sporting some CFU gear and promoting our awesome tribe, why not?? ๐Ÿ™‚ Get yours ordered! I also have plenty of our red “signature” shirts and the CFU hand towels for those HOT days!

Enough from me for this evening…Hope you all are enjoying this wonderful weather!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Now go run your day!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!!


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