For Time W/Partner: splitting reps however you choose, Runs/Rows/Bikes/Ski’s together
Horseshoe Loop (8 Reps each, 16 total)(each, at the same time)
100 Box Jumps (30/24)
100 KB (70/53)
1000m Row (10 reps each, 20 total)(each, at the same time)
200 Push Ups
200 KB SDHP (70/53)
2 Mile Assault Bike (20 reps each, 40 total)(each, at the same time)
300 DU (2x singles)
300 Air Squats
1000m Ski (10 reps each, 20 total)(each, at the same time)
***52 Min Cutoff***
35min AMRAP w/ Partner
*Alternate reps evenly except runs
10 Manmakers 35/20
20 DB Push Presses
30 DB Burpees
40 DB Goblet Squats (1DB)
Blvd Run together