In Groups of 3 for Time: One member completes one whole round at a time, other two rest
9 Rounds of: (3 rounds each)
9 DB STO (2×50/35)
9 Burpees
9/7 Cal. Ski Erg
-Straight into-
6 Rounds of: (2 rounds each)
12 DB Hang Clean and Jerk (50/35, 6L/6R)
12 Burpee to target 6 inches above reach
12/9 Cal. Ski Erg
-Straight into-
3 Rounds of: (1 round each)
15 DB Thrusters (2×50/35)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
15/11 Cal. Ski Erg
5K Run or Row
200 Cal AB
E2MO2M – 10 Squats & 10 V-ups