Sunday, 12.07.14

If you are participating in the 2,015 push-up challenge, make sure you and your partner update your score on the “bacon board”! Quite a few teams participating! 🙂

Taking suggestions for a January Challenge! What would you like to see??

We are starting week 4 of the squat series, right now the last week is scheduled during the Christmas week. Make sure you check the calendar in the mobility area for our hours during that week!
For those who have kids in Crossfit Kids and JrKidsFit, remember we will only meet on Mondays in December.

Be looking for a “Christmas Special” this upcoming week! 🙂

18min AMRAP with a partner
*200m Run/Row (alternate between the two)
10 weighted situps (35/25)
10 Supermans (3 sec hold)
10 Russian Twists (35/25)
10 Goblet Squats (35/25)
**All 40 reps must be completed by partner before he/she runs/rows!



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