Sunday, 12.28.14



excellence habit

“Personal development is your springboard to personal excellence. Ongoing, continuous, non-stop personal development literally assures you that there is no limit to what you can accomplish.”
Brian Tracy

The last couple of days at CFU have been rather exciting…In case you have been away, we have had our squat cycle athletes max out after 6 weeks (for the most part 😉 ) of back squatting MWF…the hard work has paid off! Out of the 27 who began the cycle, 14 have maxed out and have recorded 405# in gainzzzzzz! 4-0-5 POUNDS! And we still have almost half of the group to go! This is exciting stuff because I have watched people focus, persevere, and accomplish what they never thought possible! Are you all believers now? Well…our next cycle will be starting on January 12th and I sure hope our participants increase in numbers because this stuff works!! 🙂

Stay tuned for details! In the meantime, put Sunday, January 4th 1pm on your calendars…we will have a Goal Setting clinic and will be discussing the NEW Nutrition Challenge set to begin on January 12th. LOTS of great things are in store for 2015 and I want to help you reach your goals, so please leave this date open!

Remember our adjusted hours this week…Tuesday-All hours remain unchanged however no Barbell class at 6:30pm; Wednesday (NYE)-5:15am, 8:30am, Noon, and 4:30 (No Barbell class); Thursday, 1/1 One WOD only at 9am however some TECies will be meeting at Edgewood for the TEC WOD at 3pm. Friday, regular hours resume.


EMOM 12-Skill Work (3 movements)

18min AMRAP w/Partner

*200m Run (3 laps inside – outside if not slick)

5 Clean & Jerks (135/95)-power clean

10 Wallball Situps (20/14)

15 DU’s (tuck jumps)

*partner will take over where he/she left off in the sequence following the run

Here’s to a GREAT last week of 2014! Make it count folks!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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