Thursday, 01.02.14

snow angel

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”~Theodore Roosevelt

“Rome wasn’t built in a day…”

You know other quotes and sayings that go to say that one must possess patience when working towards a goal. A lot of people out there in America hit their gyms today with great intentions, but did you know that there is only a small percentage of those same people who actually meet their goals?? A 5 percent TOTAL!! That’s NuTs! Can you prove the statistics wrong?? This morning I had the 21 athletes write at least one goal down on the wall (I want YOU to write you goal on the wall, too if I didn’t see you this morning!)…I think it is the first step to accountability! This way we all know what you are working towards. Me, I’m going to work on that patience thing with my shoulder (it’s not looking like I’m going to be able to make the Open this year, boo!), work on my running so I FINISH the marathon in April (by the way, Jayme is running the full too AND Norma and Michelle signed up for the 1/2!! Super proud of them!!), improve my nutrition and body comp, and lastly working on becoming a better Coach. Yes, I’ll have my hands full this year, but with hard work and perseverance, anyone can achieve their goals!

I encourage you to write down on little post-it notes what you really want…whatever it may be and stick them all over the place to help remind you why you do what you do! YOU CAN DO IT!!

NUTRITION MEETING THURSDAY NIGHT @ 6pm (Sign up on the whiteboard by computer by Thursday! Buy-in is $10!) Cash prizes for team winners and overall transformation winner!! 🙂

CFU Barbell Class will technically start on Monday, January 6th. This is open to anyone who want to focus more on strength and technique. Just ask Britt, ChrisW, Andy, Nicole, ChrisWh, Aaron, Steve and I believe Seth and Dave attended some sessions…(sorry if I missed anyone); I believe their form and overall strength has improved in just the 4 wks they have been beta testing the program! Wanna get STRONG?? Go to the classes…one need not attend all of the sessions, but like any program, the more you participate, the better you get. Classes meet on MWTh from 7:30-8:30 and Saturday from 10-11am.

January payments…I believe I got everyone changed to the new LOWER unlimited rate…If not and something went wrong with your account, let me know and we can get things fixed. EVERYONE is at the same UNLIMITED rate which includes sales tax and WODTogether fees(unless you are at an already established 2x or 3x a week and didn’t want to go unlimited).  As of January 1st, there will be one rate available for a single membership.

FORECAST for Thursday morning…5:15am class MAY have to be cancelled. PLEASE CHECK THE WEBSITE PRIOR TO COMING TO CLASS!!

Everyone be safe!!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.