Hard work produces results! How many of you busted your @$$ on that WOD Wednesday?!? That was a toughie and I couldn’t even do all of the movements Rx! So a big attagirl or attaboy for tackling that Beast of a Chipper!
Those who did make it, did you notice the new addition?!? Yay, another rower! Just in time for the Rowing Marathon.
Who wants to row “in kind” or “in spirit”?? Just takes a $5 donation for the kiddos! Leave it in an envelope with your name in my office…it’s just that easy! 😉
BOX Party Friday night, BYOB and snacks…kids and spouses, friends welcome! Let’s pack the box, and get a mean game of volleyball going too!
Hope to see LOTS of you!
Have I mentioned lately how much you CFU athletes mean to me? I just love it when people are there for one another supporting, cheering each other on and helping one to get through the tough times whether it be a rep, the whole WOD or life for that matter. I’ve had some of my greatest moments (aside from marriage and kiddos) these last 3 yrs making my dream a reality and I’m so glad that YOU ALL are a part of it. Not to get emotional or anything(I guess this is #7 talking), but my life has been forever changed because of CFU and YOU! Thank You! <3
Now back to business! 😉
Have a great Friday Eve!!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!