Thursday, 07.02.15

If you all didn’t get a chance to read the July newsletter, take a look!

We WILL have regular hours on Friday and Saturday! 

See you all on Thursday! 🙂

Power Snatch 4×3 @ 80%(2sec pause at knees)

Every 6 minutes for 24 minutes (4 rounds)
15 Pullups
20 Pushups
25 Squats
30 Sit-ups
*Scale: 3/2 rounds or ½ reps –Complete each set as quickly as possible and note times for each round

4 rounds for time
400m run-rest 1:30
200m run-rest 1min
100m-rest 30seconds
**make sure you are taking the FULL rest time so you are able to do the runs at Max Effort!

Advanced WOD
20min AMRAP
2 Rope Climbs
5 Thruster (115/75)
10 Power Cleans (115/75)
15 calorie Row


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Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.