Thursday, 08.06.15

So if the early morning class hasn’t noticed, there are 4 trainers on vacation/work events this week and I was lucky enough to take 4 of the 5 D&E classes! 

It made me think back to 3 1/2 yrs ago when I was teaching ALL of the classes, teaching at Trinity, coaching volleyball and coaching the 101 classes…that led me to the leap of Faith decision to leave full time teaching and pursue my dream. I look back at some of the hardships that I endured, but it is those things that you struggle in that make you stronger. So next time you are struggling in a workout, struggling with work, or struggling with a relationship…you are going to come out Stronger than before!

I want to take this time to acknowledge my trainers who do such a great job at CFU to make you BETTER! If you feel compelled to reach out to one in particular, do it! I like to reach out to members here and there to give praise and I do believe it helps so I know if a trainer is given an “Atta girl or Atta boy”, she or he would appreciate it.

So to Andi, Britt, Chris Wilson, Seth, Chris White, Fred, Dave, Norma, Carmen and Jen…THANK YOU for helping me with CrossFit Unstoppable and making the members, our CFU Family, Better Than Yesterday! Y’all are Awesome!

Have a Fabulous Day! 🙂

3 POS Snatch (hi, hang, floor) 5×1 @65-70%

20 Burpees THEN
4 rounds
15 Wallballs (20/14)
10 Hollow Rocks
Scale: 3/2 rds

Cashout 50 Du’s or 5 min of practice(not part of WOD time)

Bonus work: 3×10 4count leg levers, 3×15 supermans(3sec hold), 3x1min wall sits

10 rounds: 5 Pushups 10 Lunges 15 situps 200m run

Advanced WOD
For Time:
60 push ups
50 cal row
30 cal row
20 KB OH walking lunge (1KB/hand)
10 bar MU


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