Work Hard. Eat Clean. Be Blessed!
6×16(8 each leg) 2xDB weighted step ups…use a box appropriate for height and work up to AHAP
15 min AMRAP:
12 Back Rack Weighted Lunges (95/65)
12/10 Cal. Row
12 T2B
Advanced WOD
14 Min AMRAP:
Turf Length Sled Push (3x/2×45 loaded)(1 rep)
50ft Handstand Walk(25 ft out and back) or 100ft bear crawl 4x25ft (both count as 4 reps)
35min AMRAP
Blvd Run
20 DU’s (2x singles)
15 Russian Twists (20/15 ball)
100m Run
10 Pushups
5 Burpees