Thursday, 08.13.15

Clean w/2sec pause at knees 7×2+1 jerk @70-80% 


100 DU’s (50 attempts)

90 Squats 

80 Sit-ups 

70 Push-ups 

60 Lunges 

50 Burpees 

40 Push Press (95/65) 

30 Box Jumps (24/20) 

20 Thrusters (95/65) 

10 HSPU 

Scale: w/ partner or ½ reps 

TEC WOD 3x1600m Rest 4 minutes between efforts 

Advanced WOD 


21 cal row 

15 box jump 24/20 

9 power snatch 75/55 

100m KB farmer carry 70/53  

*1KB, carry on one side for 50m, then switch hands* 


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