Due to the weather forecast and the likelihood of rain, the TEC and Advanced WOD’s will be on Friday!
Remember to bring in your canned goods for the Samaritan Center! Our goal is 357 items!
Congrats to our rowing winners…Shawn, Norma, Kyle Seabaugh, Lacy Rice, Penney, Scriv, Keith, Ken Wilkes, Lucy Washburn and Luke Rosslan! Everyone gets to pick out a red CFU shirt from my stash! 🙂
Good job everyone!
Did everyone see all those September PR’s?!? Let’s do MORE in October!!
Snatch High Pull 5×3 (90-100%)-advanced is same
15min AMRAP
10 Thrusters (95 / 65)
10 Box Jumps (24 / 20)
10 Hollow Rocks
Bonus Work: 3×15 Plate twists 25/15
2-1 min plank hold