Don’t forget about Friday Night Lights!! 6:30pm benefitting the Special Olympics…plan on a WOD or two, volleyball and a social!!
Just a head’s up…Monday following the 8:30am WOD, we will start cleaning the box for the competition. I need AMBAP(as many bodies as possible 😉 ) Thanks in advance!!
Strength: Strict Press 6×4 starting at 70% (Adv. Same)
**If athletes have NOT established their 1RM max for the press, you will do that.
5 rounds for time of:
15 Front Squats (115 / 75)
10 Pull-ups
***16 Minute Cutoff***
Bonus Work: 4×10 V-ups
4×10 Plank Mt Climbers
4x 20 second Hollow Hold
Advanced WOD:
30 pull-ups
*20 step ups 24/20
*35/20 KB (DB) in front rack
TECS WOD: 20min AMRAP- Blvd Run(stop sign and back)-30 second plank hold-20 squats-15 hollow rocks – 10 plank up/downs – 5 burpees
**If raining, 3 laps around