Transformation Tuesday!

This time around I’m going to put myself out there…This summer (well, actually the last 18 months or so) has pretty much reeked havoc on my life…personally, physically, and emotionally.

All of these things made me go down a road that I did not want to be on. I didn’t focus on my health in the way that I should…I was talking the talk but I wasn’t walking the walk.

So towards the end of July, feeling sluggish and unmotivated I decided to “coach” myself and call upon an accountability partner to help get me through “August Accountability”.

I hated seeing those first numbers on the InBody reading as they were at my highest ever…this was a good time to start developing better habits – tracking my food, drinking more water, getting more sleep and moving a little more.

I did an InBody on 7/31 and five weeks later, I’m happy to say that I’m down 6.7#, added 1.1# of muscle and lost 3.2% body fat!

My workouts are so much better and I have more energy to do the things I need to get done! This stuff really works!

So are you ready to CHANGE for the better? If so, give me a shout and I can coach you 🙂 Just click HERE to set up a Free Intro!! I want to help YOU!!


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