AMAZING Job on The Seven today, everyone!! You all did a great job! Keep up the hard work and your results will be there for you! 🙂
Don’t forget to check in when you come to class! If the trainer has to check you in, you owe 10 burpees!
2-2-2-2-2-2 reps of:
snatch [75%]
plate pushes, bumper plate burpee, v sit-up,
3 minute AMRAP of:
10 m plate pushes at 45/25 lb
5 reps of bumper plate burpee at 45/25 lb
10 m plate pushes at 45/25 lb
5 reps of v sit-up
rest [2 min]
4 minute AMRAP of:
10 reps of double under [tuck jumps if no du’s]
5 reps of toes-to-bar
10 reps of double under [tuck jumps if no du’s]
5 reps of wall ball at 20/14 lb
rest [2 min]
2 minute AMRAP of:
plank hold (on elbow) [# of seconds counts as reps]
WOD Notes
The trainers will be adding a couple minutes of stretching AFTER the warmup; you will be shown how to do the stretch(es) and will spend the time remaining on these to better prepare for the workout. Remember that you have the choice of the 3 WOD’s…Make sure you are inputting your scores/times on WODTogether-the trainers look at this information to help track your progress!
run/rest ladder
800 m run [rest 2 min]
600 m run [1min]
400 m run [1min]
200 m run [1min]
200 m run [1min]
400 m run [1min]
600 m run [2min]
800 m run
WOD Notes
Rest time is included in overall time…Scales would be skip last 800m or skip last 800/600m. Do some extra mobility prior to beginning and allow up to 45 min for this running WOD
Advanced WOD
snatch, overhead squat
2-2-2-2-2-2 reps of:
overhead squat
wall ball, double under, walking lunge, toes-
4 rounds of:
20 reps of wall ball at 20/16 lb
50 reps of double under
20 reps of walking lunge at 135/95 lb [front rack]
15 reps of toes-to-bar
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!! 🙂