Great turnout for Monday’s classes! Way to start the week off everyone!
There will not be barbell at 5:30pm this week or next week, however if you’d like to work on your lifts during that time, feel free to use the platforms.
We will have an instructor led TEC WOD at 5:30pm Tuesday….if you need help with technique, form, and/or breathing for running, come to this class!
As a reminder, we will now have MWF Xpress classes from 12-12:30pm!
Also, we have 15 days to collect books for the ABLE program! Any books(in good shape) are welcome! Clear those shelves and help the community!
EMOMx10: 30s Handstand hold + shoulder taps
– If no taps, hold HS for as long as possible
– Get as inverted as possible
4 Rounds
1 Rope Climb (scale=5 ring rows/pullups + 5 T2B
10 Thrusters (95/65)
20 Cal Row
30 DU’s (15 attempts)
800m Run – 20 Squats – 20 Pushups – 20 Situps
400m Run – 15 Squats – 15 Pushups – 15 Situps
800m Run – 10 Squats – 10 Pushups – 10 Situps
400m Run – 5 Squats – 5 Pushups – 5 Situps
Advanced WOD
30 DU
10 Power Snatch 95/65
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!