“If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.“~Jim Rohn
Thought this was a good quote to what CrossFit “asks” you to do day in and day out…out of the ordinary things. Did you ever in your life think you would be asked to do 36 pullups or 18 muscle-ups? Or jump on a box…or throw a 20# up on a wall…or run 400m, 4 times in one “little” workout; not to mention the extra stuff all thrown into one hour??
I KNOW you all don’t want to be ordinary because of the amount of hard work you put into your workouts…if you put the extra in the ordinary, you’re going to get EXTRAORDINARY results! Trust me! 🙂
Get signed up for the CFU Road Rally!! Saturday, Oct. 26th!! Fun times!! Adults only…The sign-up board is by the kiosk.
We’ll be starting to plan CFU’s 2nd Birthday Bash!! Be looking for information on the website and at the box!
Asking for some prayers as I see the Dr. about my shoulder; appt is Tuesday afternoon. I’m afraid a steroid shot won’t do the trick this time so all prayers will be appreciated! 🙂
Happy Tuesday!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be BLESSED!!