*Food items needed for the Samaritan Center…they have asked for “Thanksgiving type” foods: green beans, cranberry sauce, gravy marshmallows etc…If you can help, I’m sure all who are helped would appreciate it!
*WODFest volunteers, if you have not voted on the “appreciation dinner” that I put out there, please do so by 4pm Tuesday!
Also, some people were requesting that we put in an order of the athlete’s shirts. I can put up a sign up sheet but to make the shirts more affordable, we would need at least 24 ordered.
*Saturday, Nov. 1st beginning at 6:30pm, we will have our 3rd annual CFU Road Rally! Costumes are encouraged but not required…what is it? It’s a big scavenger hunt with teams of three-four where clues are given out once a location has been found…think Amazing Race AND a LOT of fun!! I will have a sign up tomorrow at the box.
This is a great opportunity to meet some of your CFU family! So sign up-guaranteed great time!
*Survey should be ready by Wednesday, Thursday at the latest. I may just send out a digital one as those are anonymous. Stay tuned 🙂
*Next Thursday, Oct. 30th at 5:30pm will be Louis’ last CFU class and there will be no 6:30 class that night. I encourage LOTS of athletes to show up for the “Louis’ Going Away WOD” His last dark and early will be on the 29th.
We plan to have a little get together for him after the 5:30 class next Thursday. You can just come to the get together if you’d like.
Strength: 10EMOM 1 Hang Clean (start at 70%) ADV: 1 Hang Clean+Clean
AMRAP in 6 minutes of:
12 Thrusters (95 / 65)
12 Toes to Bar
3 min rest
AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
6 Thrusters (95 / 65)
6 Toes to Bar
*Score will be total reps completed*
Bonus Work
Accumulate 3 minutes of the Superman Plank
5 x 30 Russian Twists (heavy – rest as needed)
TECS WOD: 20x100m Rest 1 min between efforts (track each effort and hold within 2-3 seconds of each)
Advanced WOD: 12min running clock: 0:00-4:00: 50 WB 20/14 5 Rope climbs; 4:00-8:00: 40 WB 4 Rope climbs; 8:00-12:00: 30 WB 3 Rope Climbs (Remaining time in 4min sets is rest)