Tuesday’s WOD brought in a LOT of determined individuals! That one was one that made you dig deep on every rep so kudos to everyone who took on the “Hulk”. And for the TECies and the advanced WODers, way to kick some butt! 🙂
6:25am class on Wednesday and Friday!
Friday night-Ladies! WOD Then Wine 6:30pm-?? Bring a friend for the fun!!
10min Mobility Work
EMOM 10:
Odd:12/10 cal row (ADV 15/12)
Even: 20 DU (ADV 40 DU)
6min AMRAP
10m Bear Crawl
10 Wallball Situps (20/14)
5 Wallball Sprawls(20/14)
10m sprint
Rest 2min
3min AMRAP
ME Burpees
(6:25am Xpress will do BOTH-be prepared! 😉 )
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!