Wednesday, 10.30.13

Remember that this week is a “WOD’s are subject to change” week! Just some minor changes in the WOD’s to add a little twist to things! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Be ready for anything!!

Just a reminder to the members that per the rates page, if you are needing to change your membership status, you need to let me know by the 25th of the month.

Things coming up that you need to be aware of…Thursday-“WOD-O-WEEN” all day! Come in costume, crazy socks, wigs, whatever, let’s get our crazy on!! Most Creative costume wins a HOODIE! 2nd place a tshirt and if you don’t participate, you GET TO DO 25 BURPEES! ๐Ÿ™‚

Youth Programs-check the website on how to get your child involved in CFKids, JrKidsFit, TeenFit, or CF Volleyball! Limited spots! New sessions start on Monday!

Saturday, November 16th will be our 2nd year Birthday Bash!! Plan on an afternoon of WOD’s, Fun, BBQ, and Box Bday Party!
Sign up for shirts and the Bash will be posted later this week…last year we raised money via the entry fee for the Samaritan Center. This year I would like to raise money for the Veterans Honors Flight.
Be watching the website and at the box for more information! We had a big turnout last year, let’s make this years bday party even bigger!

Schedule Changes for TECS WODS in November…
Tuesdays 5:15am
1st/3rd Wednesdays 5:30pm
2nd/4th Thursdays 5:15am
December/January…NO TECS WODS
The November schedule will resume in February and March we will return to a full TECS WOD schedule, as long as the numbers warrant the class time.

CF2 will meet on Monday evenings only from 7-8pm.

Open Gym time will be from 6:30-7:30pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10-11am as long as there is a trainer available. Check the website for cancellations; note that open gyms are for members with unlimited memberships.Drop in fee for an open gym would be $7. Check with Coach if you have any questions.

Volleyball!! When do y’all want to play? I’m thinking Friday, November 8th from 6:30-8…anyone up for it? ๐Ÿ™‚

Whew, I think I’ve done enough yakking…it has been great getting back in the swing of things! ๐Ÿ™‚

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!!



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