Since there is soooo much going on at CFU these days and it’s the beginning of the month AND I found a couple hours of down time (lucky me!), I thought I would throw together a few thoughts and some tidbits of info that concern the members of CrossFit Unstoppable!
- First, if it hasn’t been said in awhile, YOU mean a LOT to CFU! Each and every member who walk into the doors of CFU are an asset to our community! If you’re having a bad day at the office or want to start your day off right, get to the box and work out with your Friends & Family! 🙂
- Safety in Classes: Please, please, please let your trainer know if you have experienced an injury of any kind so he/she can help you stay safe in your workout. If we do not know about it, then we can’t help. Another thing in regards to safety…PLEASE listen to the trainer and check your egos at the door. There are reasons that there are scales in weights, rep schemes, time cutoffs, etc… TRUST the trainer in what we are trying to help you accomplish.
- Equipment: As you’ve noticed, Jerry and I have added a pegboard to the mix…the peg wall was introduced at the CF Games last year and in watching American Ninja Warrior, we decided to do something a little different…this is primarily for my CF Kids Birthday parties that I run in that we will eventually run some Jr American Ninja Warrior nights for the kiddos of the community. It is also for the VERY experienced athlete who can do pull-ups and rope climbs…I’ve tried this and it is extremely difficult! We are still working on placing a safety line and larger mats underneath so in the meantime…don’t be tempted! 😉
- Assault Bikes…how did you like the one-minute calorie challenge? 🙂 Pretty tough!! Speaking of tough, these bikes are of high quality, but at $1K per bike, they should be treated with care as should ALL of the equipment at CFU. Please help keep the equipment and facility in great shape by treating everything with extra care! Thank You!
- CFU’s Athletes Night Out…Saturday, February 13th from 6-10pm! Details on a previous blog post! Still time to sign up at the box!
- CFU Friday Night Lights!! FIRST night is Feb. 26th from 6:30-?? We divide up into heats and do the CrossFit Open WOD’s…Athletes can modify the weights just like our regular workouts. It’s a great experience whether you participate or just watch! There will be no 5:15pm classes on the nights of FNL…Sign up is at the box on top of the cubbies! Hope to see lots of you there as we have a little social after whether it be a party at the box or going out to eat! 🙂
- SugarWOD: Please continue to post your times/weights into the FREE app! There is so much you can do with this free resource! Who’s going to log at least 20 active days this month?? Encourage each other with Fistbumps and Comments as well…an encouraging word goes a long way! 🙂
- Advanced WOD’s…I’m making an executive decision here as I’ve seen some lee way given on the advanced WOD’s…the advanced WOD’s are geared towards the upper level athletes who want to push a little bit more…the movements are usually more complex and the weights are heavier…If you wish to do the Advanced WOD, you can ONLY modify ONE movement and your weights MUST be within 10# of the Rx weight posted. NO EXCEPTIONS…there are two other WOD’s for the day to choose from….
- FitWOD’s on S/M/F/Saturday….Hopefully everyone is enjoying the additional choices in the programming as I believe EVERYONE has different goals and are at different levels in their fitness journeys. That being said, I am requesting that you know BEFORE class which WOD you are going to do so it saves some time during class. Everyone should be up to speed on the movements as well (though your trainer should explain the movements prior to the WOD).
- Crazy WOD Saturdays…These workouts are geared for the experienced CrossFitter(meaning 6-9 months+ experience). They are NOT trainer led so you MUST know all of the movements prior to class.
- I am asking BOTH the trainers and athletes to be respectful to EVERYONE’S fitness journey…EVERYONE is different…if we were all the same, life would be boring!!! Celebrate and acknowledge everyone who is striving to become BETTER THAN YESTERDAY!
- I will try and regularly post helpful informational blog posts to the site…I saw that there were 194 post hits yesterday so get back in the habit of checking the blog for announcements and some motivation!
- NEW!! Couch2Fit for MEN!! Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30-6pm! FREE class Wednesday, February 3rd! If you know someone who wants to ease into a CrossFit like workout, then pass on the information!
- Sweatshirts for Sale! Hoodies–>$35…you know that this weather is not going to last since it is Missouri! This is the softer material…I have about 10 left that I need to move!! Who wants to take me up on this??
- Finally, remember why you started at CFU…how far have you come…have you reached milestones…have you met some people that you never would have had it not been for CFU?? I can tell you this, I’m in a better place because of CFU!! THANK YOU!! 🙂