Thursday, 8.29.13

This just in!!! Nutrition Challenge will now just be $5…I want as many people as possible to be able to participate so if you want ...
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Yeah, but….

This article deals with scaling…why do we have you scale? To MAKE YOU BETTER!!! Yeah But… Posted on July 16, 2013 | 11:41 am by ...
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Wednesday, 8.28.13

What day is it?? It’s HUMP DAY!! 🙂 To all the athletes who completed “Morrison” and fought through every rep, kudos to you. That was ...
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Nutrition Challenge Info!

CFU 30 day nutrition challenge Click on the link to find out more about the upcoming challenge…I know several of us (me included!) who need ...
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Tuesday, 8.27.13

Nutrition Challenge sign up sheet is on the glass case; if you are IN for the challenge (meaning ALL IN-payment/measurements/Facebook group) then sign up. If ...
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Monday, 8.26.13

Thanks to everyone who came to the nutrition meetings! I will get the nutrition challenge information on here Monday sometime so you know what is ...
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Sunday, 8.25.13

Has been a crazy busy weekend already and it isn’t even over! Want to thank Fred, Norma, Stacey, Debi, Dave, Andi, Seth and David for ...
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Saturday, 8.24.13

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!
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New Website!

Please be patient while we work out all the kinks! Thanks! 🙂
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