Belinda Says

Coaching Tip via Breaking Muscle…

Think about doing this or using your SugarWOD logbook in order to track your progress!

Coaching Tip: The Importance of Journaling
Becca Borawski Jenkins

At my gym, CrossFit Los Angeles, we require all of our students keep a workout journal. In their journal they write down in detail their warm-up routine, the workout, the “score” or results of the workout, and any thoughts or feelings they had in regards to the day. When they write down the workout they include the weights they used and any modifications made to the exercises.

Why do we require students keep a journal?

First and foremost because keeping a journal accelerates the learning process. Starting a new workout routine can involve learning new skills and new jargon. By writing down your workouts you are taking an additional few minutes to process what you have learned, repeat the concepts and terminology to yourself, and engrain it into your brain. Plus, if you forget what an exercise is called, you now have an easy reference.

Logging workouts also helps you remember the appropriate weights to use on a workout. Sometimes from workout to workout it can be hard to remember which kettlebell you used or which weight dumbbell you lifted. You might be working out on your own and there’s nobody to ask, or maybe you wanted to do a little more than last time, but you’re not sure how much weight you had put on the barbell. Having a journal to double check can quickly give you an answer that’s possibly even more accurate than what your coach may estimate.

As a coach, I find that if you as a student are journaling, I have a greater ability to help you on your fitness journey. if you have a detailed log of your workouts, it aids me in giving advice on how to progress because I know exactly what you have been doing, instead of guessing. Perhaps your progress has stalled out and you’re not sure why. If you have a journal we can sit and look through your workouts and try to pinpoint the problem. This is especially helpful if you are also logging details like sleep, water intake and nutrition. Logging isn’t just for workouts!

Finally, the best part of journaling is being able to track your progress. This is a great benefit both for when you are having a good day at the gym and when you are having a bad day. I have been doing CrossFit for a little over six years and I have a stack of journals, one for each year. It’s a lot of fun to be able to look back and see how far I have progressed. And, when I’m having a day where I’m being hard on myself, it’s encouraging to see I really have come a long way already and that the journey is full of peaks and valleys.

What are the basic benefits of journaling?

Faster learning
Remembering weights
Having information to analyze
Tracking progress

And remember – journaling isn’t just for CrossFit. You can keep detailed records of your workouts no matter what your exercise regimen. For example, you can log your run times and distances, you can log the new yoga moves you learned and what was challenging about them, or you can log your weightlifting numbers. Personally, I keep a kickboxing journal where I write down any new combos or techniques I learned in class.

So what all can you write in your journal?

Warm-up routine
Skill practice or new movements learned
Workout and “score” of the workout
Weights used and any scaled movements
Post-workout stretching or mobility work
Hours of sleep
Water intake
Any circumstances surrounding the workout
What the BEST part of your workout was!

No matter what you are doing for your health and fitness, journaling is a valuable tool that will help you remember details and accelerate your progress.
Topic: Strength & Conditioning
See more about: athletic performance, Training, coaching, journaling

A lifelong writer, Becca found her way to a career in health and fitness through martial arts. After graduating from the University of Southern California with an MFA in Cinema-Television Production, Becca worked as a music editor for film and television. Soon after graduation she started studying martial arts. Though she started with traditional martial arts it was not long before she discovered mixed martial arts (MMA) and her path was forever altered. She began training in Brazilian jiu…

Belinda Says

Sunday, 01.31.16



Already the end of January…did any of you set some resolutions or goals?!? How are those coming along? Don’t give up if something hasn’t gone your way…pick up the pieces and carry on! You’re worth it!!

A couple of things…Athletes Night Out is coming up on February 13th! There’s still time to sign up-see previous blog post for more info!

Sign up for this year’s Friday Night Lights at CFU! Our first night will be Friday, February 26th beginning at 6:30pm(there will be NO 5:15pm classes the evenings of FNL…you can come to participate or just come and cheer! It is a lot of fun so everyone is encouraged to come!! 🙂

Here’s to a great start of the week!

Class at 3:00 this afternoon!!


3 rounds for time:
20 ball slams 30/20
15 strict press
10 Russian twists
–Rest 3min–
3 rounds, 2min per round
1×10 seated, supinated, bicep curls
*total 3×10 curls
* try to increase weight each set
* if it takes 40s to do 10 curls, you have 1:20 rest time

18min AMRAP
15 Straight Leg Situps
10 Russian KB (53/35)
5 Burpees
Praxair Sign Run

Belinda Says

CFU Athlete’s Night Out!


Time to get dressed up and get ready to have a fun night out with the CrossFit Unstoppable family!!
Here are the details:

Who: Members (spouses/significant other encouraged to come–date night for Valentine’s Day!)

What: Catered dinner along with some music and socializing…GoForFitFuel will be providing their chefs to cater this meal of Chili Lime Pork, Stuffed Chicken w/ Artichoke and Spinich, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Vegetable Medley and dessert.
Tea/water will be available, but you are welcome to bring your own refreshments(BYOB).

Members are encouraged to get spiffed up from what we normally see you dressed in–gym clothes! Time to dazzle your friends!
We will have a camera there for some “party pics”!

When: Saturday, February 13 from 6-10pm

Where: The Colonel Bolton Home Event Center
Wardsville…Directions: once you get to Wardsville, continue on RT W for approximately 3 miles, turn right onto Winklemann Platz, destination is on the right (9125 Winklemann Platz Jefferson City for your mapquest)

Why: Because we are never done anything like this before and it will be a great time!!

Cost: $15/person $30/couple…make checks to CFU.

**Sign up at the box starting Thursday afternoon and leave your payment in my office. Please sign up by Friday, February 5th so we can get the count to the caterers.
If you have NEVER been to a CFU function, this is one to get to!!

Hope to see LOTS of you there!!

Belinda Says

Tuesday KIDS Classes


Due to the weather, the afternoon Strength and Conditioning (3:45-4:15) and CrossFit Soccer have been cancelled.

All other classes are still being held…be safe!

Belinda Says

Monday Classes!


Classes Today: 5:15am, 8:30am, Noon Xpress, 4:30, 5:30, & 6:30!!

Come and take on the Kettlebell AND the Assault Bike! 😉

Belinda Says

Monday, 01.04.16


Strength: 6×3 Sumo Deadlift for load at 80% of 1RM DL

For Time:
pull ups
thrusters (95/65)
*200m run after each set*

Fitness WOD
KB 53/35
Goblet Squats 53/35
Russian Twists 53/35
*=200m Run

Ab Challenge
25 Straight Leg Situps
10 Medball Knee raises from rig(AHAP)
25 Butterfly Situps
10 Medball knee raises
25 T2B from floor
10 Medball Knee raises

Heres another challenge to all of the CFU members…last Monday we had 68 members post their scores on the whiteboard…lets make that 78 this Monday!! Time to get back on track!!

The “Maintain Not Gain” Challenge concludes today(Monday)…weigh in and let’s see who was able to Maintain and NOT gain during the “holidays”!!

CrossFit Kids Mondays/Thursdays 4-4:30; JrKidsFit 4:30-5! Starts MONDAY! 🙂

CFU All-Sports will start back up next Monday, January 11th! 6-6:30, 6:30-7, 7-7:30; call if you have questions!

Have a great first week of 2016!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!

Belinda Says

Saturday Shenanigans :)

stop making excuses

CrAzY WOD @ 7:30am…experienced CrossFitters only please…Regular WOD @ 9am!

FYI, I will be adding an “Ab Challenge” Workout to SugarWOD so you can work on that 6pack! Most exercises will be able to be done at home…feel free to sub other movements if equipment is not available.

10min Suck Bucket Work…


20 Min EMOM:
1st min: 18 Burpees
2nd min: 3 MU
3rd min: 8 Front Squats (155/105)
4th min: 3 MU

*Scales: 16/12 min

Fitness WOD
20min AMRAP
10 Burpees
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Squats
10 Push-ups
Blvd Run/400m Row (alternate)

CRAZY WOD (7:30am for experienced CFers)
Strict pull-ups
Strict HSPU
Squat Cleans 135/95
Rest 3min
2 Rds
40m Overhead Lunges 115/75
50 GHD Situps (straight leg)
Rest 3min
4 Rds
400m Run/Row
20 WB 20/14
10 KB 70/53

We are back to our normal schedule so I hope to see some faces I haven’t seen in awhile!! Have a great weekend!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!

Belinda Says

Happy 2016!

imageFirst day of the new year…time to set new goals and reach new heights! What will you be working towards during this new year? Better nutrition, more consistent at getting to the box, challenging yourself to more challenging movements…What do YOU want? The only way to get there is to Start Somewhere! Why not start with a New Year’s Day WOD @ 9am(only one for the day!)…Come in and get the year started off right!! See you there! 🙂


Odd: 20/16 cal row
Even: 5 C2B + 7 push ups + 9 box jumps 24/20

*scales: 15/11 cal
pull ups for C2B

Regular WOD
27 Min AMRAP:
75 DU’s (3x singles)
60 Russian KB (70/53)
45 WB (20/14)
30 GHD/40 Straight leg sit ups
15 Back Squats (185/125) *must clean from the floor

Fitness WOD
20min AMRAP
16 DU’s
20 Russian KB (53/35)
16 Wallballs (20/14)
20 Weighted Situps (25/15 plate)
16 Goblet Squats (53/35)

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!

Belinda Says

Last Day of 2015!!


Can you believe it? So many great things have happened this year! Thanks to all the members and trainers for making 2015 GREAT! I’m looking forward to what 2016 brings! 🙂

Classes for Thursday: 5:15am, 8:30am, and Noon…be safe for your New Years!

Class on Friday is 9am ONLY!

On tap for New Year’s Eve…

Strength: 4 x 1 Snatch pull (w/3s pause at knees) + 2 hang snatch
80-85% 1RM snatch

For Time:
1 Power Clean and Jerk (205/145), 10 HSPU
1 Power Clean and Jerk (205/145), 9 HSPU
1 Power Clean and Jerk (205/145), 8 HSPU
1 Power Clean and Jerk (205/145), 7 HSPU
1 Power Clean and Jerk (205/145), 6 HSPU
1 Power Clean and Jerk (205/145), 5 HSPU
1 Power Clean and Jerk (205/145), 4 HSPU
1 Power Clean and Jerk (205/145), 3 HSPU
1 Power Clean and Jerk (205/145), 2 HSPU
1 Power Clean and Jerk (205/145), 1 HSPU
*use a weight that is at least 85% of your 1RM

TECish/End of the Year WOD

With Partner for time:
One does 100m run while the other is chipping through “365”…switch upon return

31 Box Jumps (24/20)
28 Deadlifts (135/95)
31 Burpees
30 Overhead Walking Lunges (25/45)
31 Push Press (135/95)
30 Pull-ups
31 Power cleans (135/95)
31 Sit-ups
30 Back Squats (135/95)
31 Push-ups
30 DU’s (90 singles)
31 Thrusters (135/95)
**May start anywhere, but must continue in order.

Advanced WOD
5 RFT:

25 cal row
12 KB snatch 70/53
3 rope climbs

Special shout out to Stacy and Amanda for going UNBROKEN on the hellashish 150 KB swing WOD today!! BOOM! 🙂 Nice work to everyone who came to the “playground” to play today!! 😉

Belinda Says

Wednesday, 12.30.15


A couple days left of 2015…has it been a year to remember? Or are there things still on your to-do list? Goals? We all had them on 1/1/2015, didn’t we? Many of you have made GREAT progress throughout the year…think about the things that you have accomplished…Did you set a new PR on a lift? Did you run your first 5K or 1/2 marathon? Did you get up that rope? Did you get your first T2B or pull-up? 😉 Did you link some DU’s? Did you lose weight and inches? There are so many other accomplishments that you members have achieved and I want you to focus on what you HAVE DONE! You have done some amazing things this year and I’m sure 2016 will be even better for you!

If you have specific goals that you would like to accomplish in 2016, write them down and tell someone about it. Then start working your butt off to achieve those goals! Only with determination and perseverance will you make it happen…Let CFU help you! Let us know what we can do for you!

Now for Wednesday’s WOD…

Strength: EMOMx8
4 power clean + 3 push jerk 185/125 (or 80% 1RM of Push Jerk)


150 KB for time (53/35)
*every time you break (any stop in swing counts as a break), perform 30 WB (20/14)

*scales: 100 KB and 20 WB each break


15min AMRAP

Buy-in with 60 Swings (Single DB)

Then with remaining time do AMRAP:

5 Push Ups
10 Sit-Up DB Get-Ups
15 DB Squats
100m run

*The Sit-up Get-up uses a single dumbbell. From a supine position (laying on the ground with the legs extended) with a single dumbbell pressed to extension above your chest, do a sit-up keeping the DB vertical at all times
(It’s not the full get up like a TGU!)

Have an Awesome day!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!