
The Gift of Resilience

When looking at your body composition goals there are often 2 competing thoughts: 

A quick fix and dramatic results are what you crave. 

There is nothing more you want than to get to your goals as fast as you can, but it often feels exhausting and overwhelming.


I need to learn habits that I can maintain long term.

Taking the time to get the desired results will help maintain these results, but it feels “not so sexy”.

Let’s examine what can happen with each approach.

Many of us have done restrictive challenges, fad diets and had amazing results, only to feel depleted and exhausted. Maintaining these behaviors is tough due to the rules and restrictions. The upside is the aesthetic results. Many people comment on how amazing you look. Inside, you may not feel the same. Fatigue and feeling deprived have been mentioned by some people who have adopted the quick fixes and are now searching for something sustainable. Without that sustainable approach, many people return to old ways.

Often time quick fixes and restrictive diets leave a person isolated. They don’t often promote the balance between real life and the diet. An example here is an event like a birthday or work party. On a restrictive diet, there is a temptation to not participate, not enjoy the event due to the foods or beverages involved. Instead, there is much to be learned about taking a planned break from a diet, having some “controlled fun” if you will and then challenging yourself to get back into a healthy routine after the event is done.

What is missing with these quick fixes is the time to learn habits that build your foundation. By taking your time to really learn different healthy behaviors, practicing them in real-life situations, building them into your routine, creates behaviors that are second nature and effortless. Another thing that is missing is the building of a healthier more resilient mindset that you have been able to overcome a setback and get back on track with healthy behaviors. Taking the time to learn healthy habits, a few at a time, and challenging yourself to commit to getting back on track after a time where you have gone off track builds resilience and mental toughness. 

Another thing that can happen that feels more far off by taking your time is that you are taking small steps each day to invest in your long term health. Each day, by working on habits, you are making internal gains on working on avoiding the burden of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. 

The challenge here is allowing yourself to appreciate what can be gained by taking the time to learn the process, trusting that by investing the time and effort in learning healthy habits that this will yield a healthier and happier, more resilient you for a lifetime. 

If you are looking for a healthier and more sustainable approach to achieving your goals, we recommend booking a free intro with our nutrition coaching staff!

Click here to book your free intro today: FREE INTRO


Never Miss a Monday!

You may see this saying quite often especially on social media platforms with the #nevermissamonday (heck we use it!) But why shouldn’t you miss a Monday when it comes to working out?? You’ve had a nice relaxed weekend and working out is probably the last thing you want to do…Here’s some reasons that you should!

  1. You’re more likely to work out the rest of the week. Getting in the gym on a Monday is like having a clean slate and you’ll more likely workout the rest of the week!
  2. You’ll smile more. 🙂 Who doesn’t want to smile more?? Exercise naturally increase your endorphins which makes you happier…so MOVE and 🙂
  3. You’ll subside anxious thoughts. Do you have anxiety issues? I do and exercise is the best medicine for treatment for me. It helps relieve the panicky feelings I have sometimes and helps me make it through the rest of the day.
  4. You’ll kickstart good self-control. Working out on a Monday will help with other things in your life, like your nutrition or drinking enough water. Who wants to waste a good workout with a quarter pounder with chees and a side of fries? (Don’t answer that 😉 ) But seriously, if I’m putting in the work in the gym, I don’t want to ruin it in the “kitchen”!
  5. You’ll catch better zzz’s. It’s true! I used to get maybe5-6 hours of sleep, but with some extra cardio along with the workouts, I’ve been getting a solid 8! Muscles are repaired at night and they need that recovery time to help you succeed. So go workout so you can rest easy tonight!
  6. You’ll boost brainpower. Boom! Go for a walk to help with that brainpower! The nerve cells react and helps people take on their tasks much better than just sitting around. Set an alarm on your phone if you’re behind a desk all day to just get up and move around for 5 minutes. Do this several times a day and see how much your thinking improves.
  7. You might make more money. Say what?? Studies show that regular exercisers make 9% more than their couch potato friends!

So who’s going to go exercise today?? We’ve already had 22 at our gym this morning and I’m getting set to hit the mats at 8:30…when will you workout today? Never miss a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…. You get my point! Have a great day! 🙂

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!